Welcome to **pagesweturned**, my published vault. I created this vault to take notes on the topics I was learning and thinking about. This includes,
1. Command cheat-sheets → I forget the commands, even when I need to use them again and again. These cheat-sheets are simple reference sheets of commands I’ve needed to use recently.
2. Notes from [[Secure Computer Systems/Secure Computer Systems|Secure Computer Systems]] → I am taking this class while doing my MS from Georgia Tech.
3. Cloud Engineering & Security → I am learning about cloud engineering and security with the intention of getting certified in Google Cloud Leader. These notes are mostly my study notes during the preparation period.
I published this vault for accountability. In the past, I have noticed that while I start strong, taking diligent notes to thoroughly cover a topic, my interest fades over time. As the novelty wanes, my notes become sparse and useless.
>[!tip]- On the mention of *use*, what is the use of this vault?
>- Revise the topics before my midterms and final exams
>- Keep notes that grow organically
>- Help me find more connections between topics
>[!warning]- What not to expect from this vault?
>- A finished product- Everything here is work in progress and meant to stay that way perennially. Please refer to original sources to supplement your learning, in case you decide to use this space for your study.
>- A perfect product - This is a work in progress, and as such, will have typos, missed references, incomplete or unexplained thoughts and unindexed notes. Feel free to point out the gaps, and I will try my best to actively correct them.
### Legends
1. Difficulty level tags specify my level of comfort with a certain topic. Can skip marking topics as easy, or even medium, but hard topics should be tagged so they can be revised before exams.
1. #comfort-hard
2. #comfort-medium
3. #comfort-easy
### Using these notes
All of these notes are free to use and copy. In case if you wish to create a copy of the vault to add your own, feel free to [reach out](mailto:
[email protected]). I will be happy to share the raw vault folder with you.
Just make sure you provide proper attribution.